Editing, Books, Essays, Lectures

B. Editing
1993 Description de l'Égypte. Explication Sommaire des Planches d'Arachnides de l'Égypte et de la Syrie. Victor Audouin (Edited by: Hisham K. El-Hennawy) (1st part) Serket 3(2): 33-76, (2nd part) Serket 3(3): 77-121, (3rd part) Serket 3(4): 122-171.
C. Books
1990 Glossary of Biological Terminology. By: Kamal El-Din El-Hennawy Revised by: Hisham K. El-Hennawy 551 pp. [In Arabic + English terms] Academic Bookshop, Cairo, Egypt. (In Bibliotheca Alexandrina)

2002 The Egyptian Arachnids. A book. Publication of National Biodiversity Unit, Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency (EEAA), Nature Conservation Sector. (In Arabic) Egypt SBN 10077/2003 - pdf مقدمة


2003 [Tutankhamen, Amenism, Atenism and Egyptian Monotheism. By Ernest Alfred Wallis Budge, London, 1923] Translated to Arabic. Academic Bookshop, Cairo, Egypt. ISBN 977-281-221-5 مقدمة

2004 [Hieroglyphics for Youngs] A book. Published on the author's own expense. (In Arabic). Egypt SBN 5129/2004   pdf Pamphlet

2005a Egyptian Hieroglyphics for Beginners. A book. Published on the author's own expense. Egypt SBN 21181/2004   pdf Pamphlet
2005b [The Rosetta Stone and the Decipherment of the Egyptian Hieroglyphs. By Ernest Alfred Wallis Budge, London, 1929] Translated to Arabic. Academic Bookshop, Cairo, Egypt. ISBN 977-281-272-X مقدمة


2005c Jeroglíficos egipcios para principiantes. A book. Published on the author's own expense. Egypt SBN 15693/2005 ISBN 977-17-2536-X   pdf Pamphlet
2005d [Description de l'Égypte. Explication Sommaire des Planches d'Arachnides de l'Égypte et de la Syrie. Vol. 30 (Plates) & vol. 35 (Descriptions)] Translation to Arabic, revising and introducing. Vol. 30 Egypt SBN 10913/2004 ISBN 977-01-9074-8 (pdf), Vol. 35 Egypt SBN 10917/2004 ISBN 977-01-9078-0 (pdf)

2005e Ägyptische Hieroglyphen für Anfänger. Published on the author's own expense. Egypt SBN 15692/2005 ISBN 977-17-2535-1   pdf Pamphlet

2006 Hiéroglyphes égyptiens pour les débutants. Published on the author's own expense. Egypt SBN 15691/2005 ISBN 977-17-2533-5   pdf Pamphlet

2011 [Wildlife in South Sinai. By Dina Aly & Rafik Khalil, Cairo, 2011] Translated to Arabic. Published by the authors, Cairo, Egypt. ISBN 987-977-476-102-7. Arabic edition, Egypt SBN 5459/2011

2016 [The Spiders] A book. Publication of Academy of Scientific Research and Technology, Egypt. (In Arabic) ISBN 978-977-268-669-8 - pdf

D. Essays
1999 A letter from the Egyptian spider. Al-Hilal, April 1999, 107: 190-191. (In Arabic) pdf
2002a Spiders and scorpions in the Egyptian sahara. Hunter and Nature, 5: 20-23. (In Arabic and English) pdf
2002b The Scorpions of Egypt. Hunter and Nature, 6: 20-24. (In Arabic and English) pdf
2007 The Scorpions of Egypt. Oon, 12: 54-57. (In Arabic)
2013 Spiders and scorpions lover. The Scientists (Egyptian Magazine), 59: 26-33. (In Arabic) pdf [عاشق العناكب والعقارب فى مجلة العلميون ديسمبر2013]
2014 The spiders. The Science (Egyptian Magazine), 447: 40-49. (In Arabic) pdf [مقالة العناكب فى مجلة العلم يناير 2014]
2015a Egyptian natural history museum is a national requirement for Egypt. The Science (Egyptian Magazine), 461: 50-51. (In Arabic) pdf [مقالة متحف التاريخ الطبيعى المصرى مشروع قومى مصر فى حاجة إليه فى مجلة العلم مارس 2015] 
2015b The great Egyptian botanist Loutfy Boulos deceased. The Science (Egyptian Magazine), 464: 15. (In Arabic) pdf [مقالة ورحل عالم النبات الكبير لطفى بولس فى مجلة العلم يونيو 2015]
2015c Fasting in the world of spiders and scorpions. The Science (Egyptian Magazine), 464: 49. (In Arabic) pdf [مقالة الصيام فى عالم العناكب والعقارب فى مجلة العلم يونيو 2015]
2015d Scorpions in ancient Egypt. The Science (Egyptian Magazine), 465: 50-51. (In Arabic) pdf [مقالة العقارب فى مصر القديمة فى مجلة العلم يوليو 2015]
2016a Egyptian scientists in the conference of the Asian Society of Arachnology in India. The Science (Egyptian Magazine), 473: 34. (In Arabic) pdf [علماء مصر يشاركون فى مؤتمر الجمعية الآسيوية للعنكبيات بالهند فى مجلة العلم مارس 2016]
2016b Biodiversity in agricultural soil. The Science (Egyptian Magazine), 473: 50-51. (In Arabic) pdf [مقالة التنوع البيولوجى فى التربة الزراعية فى مجلة العلم مارس 2016]

E. Lectures
1996 The Egyptian spiders, what do we know about them and their relatives ? A lecture in the Egyptian Entomological Society, Cairo. 24 November 1996 (In Arabic)
2000 Invertebrates in Wetlands. A lecture in El-Zaranik Protectorate, in Programme of Environmental awareness (MedWetCoast Project for The Conservation of Wetland and Coastal Ecosystems in the Mediterranean Region) 22 October 2000. (In Arabic)
2001 Egyptian Arachnids, Review of a book. In the: 1st International Conference on Biodiversity and Conservation of Natural Heritage, Ismailia, Egypt, July 2001 (In Arabic)
2002 Egyptian Arachnids and their importance. A lecture in Department of Zoology, Suez Canal Univeristy, Ismailia. 3 November 2002 (In Arabic)
2003 Egyptian Arachnids and their importance. A lecture in Desert Research Center, Ministry of Agriculture, Cairo. 9 June 2003 (In Arabic) [2]
2005a Arachnology in Egypt from Pharaohs to the Arachnid Collection of Egypt. in the Training Course of the Project of Database of Arabian Biodiversity Type Specimens in Foreign Natural History Museums. Cairo, 10 April 2005 (In Arabic)
2005b The Natural History Museum of Egypt, its essence and its importance. A lecture in the Seminar on Dangers facing Biodiversity in Egypt. Ismailia, 17 April 2005 (In Arabic)
2005c Egyptian Arachnids and their importance. A lecture in Plant Protection Research Institute, Ministry of Agriculture, Cairo. 26 June 2005 (In Arabic) [3]
2006 Egyptian Arachnids and their importance. A lecture in Department of Zoology, Al-Azhar Univeristy, Assiut branch. 9 April 2006 (In Arabic) [4]
2007a Egyptian Arachnids. A lecture in the Egyptian Entomological Society, Cairo. 11 March 2007 (In Arabic) [5]
2007b Egyptian Arachnids. A lecture in the Mokattam Services Developing Society, Cairo. 10 July 2007 (In Arabic) [6]
2007c The world of spiders and scorpions. A public lecture in El Sawy Culturewheel, Cairo. 2 December 2007 (In Arabic)
2008a My adventures with spiders. A lecture in Faculty of Science, Ain Shams University, Cairo. 15 March 2008 (In Arabic) (Organized by the National Committee of Biological Sciences, Academy of Scientific Research and Technology)
2008b My adventures with spiders. A lecture in Environmental studies centre of Suez Canal University, St. Catherine, South Sinai. 1 July 2008 (In Arabic) [2]
2008c My adventures with spiders. A lecture in Zoology Department, Faculty of Science, University of Khartoum, Sudan. 3 August 2008 (In Arabic) [3]
2009a Spiders and scorpions in the region of Suez Canal, a comparison between the two banks of the canal. A lecture in the Seminar on The migration of marine organisms through Suez Canal and geo-ecological changes in the region. Ismailia, Egypt. 6 April 2009 (In Arabic)
2009b Spiders and scorpions of Egypt, a wealth needs to protect. A lecture in the: 1st International Conference of Conservation and Development of Natural Heritage, Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt 6 December 2009 (In Arabic)
2010 Spiders and scorpions of Egypt, a wealth needs to protect. A lecture in the: 1st International Conference of Biological Sciences, organized by The Egyptian Academic Journal of Biological Sciences, Cairo, Egypt 27-29 September 2010 (In Arabic) [2] Link
2013a Spiders in Egypt and the World. A lecture in a seminar entitled: Arachnida, Science and applications. 8 May 2013, Plant Protection Research Institute, Cairo (In Arabic)
2013b Natural History Museum and Biological Studies. A lecture in the: 2nd International Conference of Biological Sciences, organized by The Egyptian Academic Journal of Biological Sciences, Cairo, Egypt 1-3 July 2013 (In Arabic)
2014a Natural History Museum and its role in Conservation of Natural Heritage in Egypt. A lecture in the: 4th International Conference of Conservation and Development of the Natural Heritage, Cairo and Hurghada, Egypt 1-7 March 2014 (In Arabic)
2014b Spiders and scorpions of Egypt, a wealth needs to protect. A lecture in the Faculty of Science, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt 30 March 2014 (In Arabic) [3] Link
2014c Spiders and scorpions of Egypt, a wealth needs to protect. A lecture in the Shorouk Heliopolis Rotary Club, near Cairo, Egypt 17 September 2014 (In Arabic) [4] 


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